Holly Blue sunbathing
The colours, sounds and smells of the garden can be comforting, in times in which conventional reliefs like friends, family and hugs are not as prevalent in life as normal. In times where things that add lightness in life become dangerous and wrong. The plants, however, and everything that lives around it, from animals to funghi to fish, live on and can give a sense of stability. As always around this time of the year, life is waking up again. Bulbs, buds, shoots, chicks, bees are all appearing out of unimagined, unexpected places, ready for a new or even a first year to begin. In the midst of these beings, that are eager to grow, procreate, blossom and fruit, you somehow soke up a little bit of this energy and forget for a second about the current crisis (and perhaps others). Even though it feels like the scope of our everyday life is narrower, and perhaps could feel a little bit claustrophobic, downscaling also comes with the great opportunity to discover the area that is close to home better. Broaden your horizon by noticing, just outside your door, that everything and everyone is buzzing, chirping and splashing around.
Julia Marinissen - Head of Garden
