After a week of meeting motivated, bright, enthusiastic students, we had to make a tough decision and pick the next board member. Seeing the energy, determination, and how passionate all of you were brought us a lot of joy. We're excited to organize events, talks, and screenings to create space for you all to discover sustainability, discuss its related topics, and delve deeper into its related topic.
On that note, we want to introduce to you a new position that was created this year: the Head of Activism! Pangea already has two board-specific positions, that coordinate and organize events: Head of Food and Head of Gardening.

The Head of Food organizes the Down to Earth Dinners hosted every month or two in the dorms. They're a perfect opportunity for students to get together, meet other students, enjoy a cheap but delicious three course meal cooked by volunteer students. These meals aim to promote sustainability by being vegan and using local produce of season.

The Head of Gardening is in charge of keeping our beloved dorm garden fruitful for every student's enjoyment. In the garden you'll also find a compost (see this post for what can be thrown in as well as the benefits of our compost!)

Finally, the Head of Activism (our exciting new position), will create a space of discussion both online (using our website and instagram) and in person (by inviting guest speakers and organizing discussions after movie screenings for example!) We want you to be able to voice your concerns and opinions on current matters with us and other students.
We're excited to unravel what we're preparing and to bring the blog back! We'll be posting regularly, about the events we host, but also about topics that are dear to us. We would love to hear from you so feel free to leave comments, email or dm us any questions or themes you want covered on the website.

Lots of Love
The Pangea Board
From left to right, Panka, Bindi, Chloé, Tomas (honorary member <3), Jaya, Freya, Xander, Maja, and John