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Environmental Internships in the Netherlands

Writer's picture: PangeaPangea

This list is a constant work-in-progress and we welcome suggestions (from your own experience or organizations you support – although the initial list only includes organizations in the Netherlands, everything is appreciated).

Not every organization listed below actively offers internships, but if one is of

interest to you, we recommend contacting them directly—organizations like these are generally in need of assistance (though not always capable of providing paid internships), and you never know what you may find! (Pangea, 2017)






A Seed Europe “ASEED Europe (Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment, and Diversity Europe) is an international campaigning organisation, giving importance to involving youth in direct democracy activities. ASEED Europe targets the structural causes of environmental destruction and social injustice.We do this by campaigning on multinational corporations and their national and international influence spheres and control tools. At the same time we promote sustainable alternatives. Currently ASEED Europe focuses on issues related to the global food chain: the decline of biodiversity in agriculture and the availability of seeds, genetic engineering and power concentration by global agro/biotech giants. Our general agriculture campaign goal is to promote food sovereignty. In the recent past we have been campaining on the massive production and imports of soy, climate change and international financial and trade institutions.” Amsterdam Acacia Institute “Acacia Water “for solutions in groundwater” was established in 2003 at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences). Acacia Water aims at groundwater in relation to surface water, environment and infrastructure. This varies from implementation of field measurements and model calculations, to giving training and strategic advice. Acacia Water distinguishes itself by the cooperation with the University, as a result of which Acacia Water has access to the latest scientific developments in the field of hydrology and environment. We translate this knowledge to innovative and practical solutions.” Gouda Alterra Alterra offers a combination of practical, innovative and interdisciplinary scientific research across many disciplines related to the green world around us and the sustainable use of our living environment. Aspects of our environment that Alterra focuses on include soil, water, the atmosphere, the landscape and biodiversity ‒ on a global scale as well as regionally, from the Dutch polders to the Himalaya’s and from Amsterdam to the Arctic. Wageningen Both Ends

“Both ENDS is an independent non-governmental organisation (NGO) that works towards a sustainable future for our planet. We do so by identifying and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), mostly in developing countries, that come up with sustainable solutions for environmental and poverty-related issues. Building on such effective alternatives, we create and support strategic networks capable of promoting social-environmental interests. At the same time we directly influence policies and promote our vision in fora that matter, both on national and international levels.”

Amsterdam Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre

“The Climate Centre, a Public Benefit Organization under Netherlands law, is a specialist reference centre of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). Our mission is to help the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and its partners reduce the impacts of climate change and extreme-weather events on vulnerable people. Staffed largely by climate scientists, the Centre provides strategically important knowledge and advice on climate-smart practice throughout the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement and beyond.Our support for National Societies and the IFRC focuses on climate information for disaster preparedness and response, food security and health, training and technical back-up.”

The Hague Capacity Development in Sustainable Watershed Management

“Cap-Net UNDP is an international network for capacity development in sustainable water management. It is made up of a partnership of autonomous international, regional and national institutions and networks committed to capacity development in the water sector.Cap-Net UNDP was initiated at the UNDP Symposium on Water Capacity Development in 1996 and launched in 2002 by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education with funding from the Dutch Government. Since then, Cap-Net UNDP has grown into a global hub for capacity development and networking in sustainable water management with additional funding from the Swedish and Norwegian Governments, and the European Union. The Cap-Net UNDP programme is a part of the Water and Ocean Governance Programme of UNDP, within the Sustainable Development Bureau for Policy and Programme Support. The programme is executed by United Nation’s Office of Project Services (UNOPS), Water and Energy Cluster.”

Amsterdam Ecological Management Foundation (EMF)

“The Ecological Management Foundation (EMF) is a public benefit charity in the water sector, dedicated to improving access to clean drinking water and sanitation facilities in developing countries.Since its foundation by Allerd Stikker in 1990, EMF has built a solid track record in initiating water solution projects, raising public awareness and stimulating innovative water technologies.EMF identifies, promotes and incubates small-scale projects that are innovative, practical, solution-oriented, and have a broad impact on the target country.”


“Enviu – Innovators in sustainability – is an international network organisation for and by young entrepreneurial people. Enviu strives to contribute to a sustainable world where innovative entrepreneurship creates value for people and planet. It is our mission to inspire and involve young entrepreneurial people to co-operate on profitable solutions for environmental and social issues. In short: to inspire, involve and make it happen! Enviu scouts and generates WOW! ideas and makes them happen. We do this through setting up innovative sustainable businesses and organisations.”


“Energy. Sustainable development needs energy. Energy provides the basis for the development of modern forms of healthcare, education, transport, production and communication. Many developing countries face a lack of affordable, reliable and clean energy. Solutions to this shortage are usually found not in large-scale power generation, but rather in small-scale installations in the direct environment of the entrepreneur, school or household. These often concern renewable energy, tailored to the potential of the specific location.Energy4All. The Foundation Energy4All supports people in developing countries by promoting energy-related projects that stimulate economic development.”

Utrecht ENERGIA (International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy)

“ENERGIA is an International Network of likeminded organizations and professionals, established in 1996 and currently active in 22 countries in Asia and Africa. We believe that projects, programs and policies that explicitly address gender and energy issues have better outcomes and improve the livelihood of entire communities. By involving women in both the development and use of modern energy, the sustainability of these services is enhanced and opportunities are made available to both women and men.More than 2.5 billion people worldwide currently lack access to modern energy in their everyday lives. We make a difference in this, as we contribute to women’s economic empowerment by scaling up gender mainstreaming both in research and practice. In order to provide continued support and have gender be part of the developmental process, ENERGIA also creates unique training modules and tools for the energy sector. This way, we connect local initiatives in a global context, creating an environment where groups can learn from each other and inspire across communities.”

Leusden ECRR (European Centre for River Restoration)

“The ECRR is a European network consisting of national centres, organisations, institutions and individual subscribents bound by their mission to encourage and support ecological river restoration throughout greater Europe.The ECRR connects people and organizations working on river restoration. The network consists of 800 contacts (organisations and individuals), is represented in 12 European countries by a national centre, and works together closely with a number of key partners.The ECRR supports development of best practices of river restoration and disseminates information on ecological river restoration: for instance via the RiverWiki platform for case studies from all over Europe”

Amsterdam Greenpeace Nederland; Greenpeace International

Greenpeace is an international environmental organization that through research, dialogue and action working towards a sustainable balance between humans and the environment.  Greenpeace has offices in 40 countries. Everywhere in the world let Greenpeace environmental problems, and promotes the organization and searching solutions. Greenpeace conducts research, consults with companies and governments and takes action. The actions of Greenpeace are often spectacular and always violent.  Through non-violent creative confrontation and we denounce and environmental solutions for promoting a healthy and sustainable balance between humans and the environment.


FSC, Forest Stewardship Council (Council for Good Forestry), is an international organization, founded in 1993, which promotes responsible forest management. Basis for these standards, which each country or region to be developed, the 10 FSC principles for good forest management.  FSC Netherlands, a non-profit foundation, was founded in 1999 and is a platform for businesses of companies, working with environmental organizations, development organizations and other civil society organizations. So for all who feel concerned with good forest management and FSC want to.  The purpose of the foundation is to promote responsible forest management worldwide by increasing the market share of FSC timber and timber products in the Netherlands. FSC Netherlands is an ideal network, the participants make new contacts, ideas and insights. Utrecht

The Black Fish is an international organisation that works to end illegal overfishing. Our approach brings together people and the benefits of modern technology to protect the oceans through enforcement of environmental regulations. The Black Fish currently runs 28 projects in 12 countries around Europe, with an international team of 30 staff, countless volunteers and supporters around the world.

Amsterdam Friends of the Earth International

We are the world’s largest grassroots environmental network, uniting 75 national member groups and some 5,000 local activist groups on every continent. With over 2 million members and supporters around the world, we campaign on today’s most urgent environmental and social issues. We challenge the current model of economic and corporate globalization, and promote solutions that will help to create environmentally sustainable and socially just societies.

Amsterdam Milieu Centraal Charity

Environment Central is a national consumer organization that practical and reliable environmental information. The information is reviewed by a forum of independent experts.  New developments and differences of understanding consumers regularly deal with conflicting information about the environmental impact of operations and purchases. Think of the discussions on the environmental impact of PVC, the dishwasher and diapers.

Utrecht Practica Foundation

PRACTICA Foundation works on local business development with low-cost water, energy and sanitation technologies. We develop and select affordable technologies with a high potential to improve the livelihoods of people in developing countries and make sure that these technologies are made available locally.To establish sustainable supply chains we support local enterprises to manufacture, import, operate or sell the innovative technologies. We strengthen their technical and business skills and link them to suppliers, customers and supporting organisations.

Delft Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP)

The Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP) is your gateway to the Dutch Water Sector. Companies, NGOs, Knowledge Institutes and Government have joined forces in this public-private partnership. From water purification to spatial planning, from governance to land reclamation, from small scale solutions to mega structures, the partnership has the expertise. The members of the partnership work together to offer sustainable, multifunctional water solutions for people, planet and profit worldwide.


The Dutch Urgenda Foundation aims for a fast transition towards a sustainable society, with a focus on the transition towards a circular economy using only renewable energy. It works on solutions for this transition, including for example the introduction and realization of 'energy neutral' houses and the acceleration of electric mobility. Urgenda views climate change as one of the biggest challenges of our times and looks for solutions to ensure that the earth will continue to be a safe place to live for future generations.


Friends of the Earth Netherlands (Milieudefensie) is a non-governmental (NGO) environmental organisation with more than 90.000 members and supporters and eighty local groups, conducting campaigns on climate change, globalisation, traffic, agriculture and conservation of the countryside.

Amsterdam Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (GPA)

The GPA is the only global intergovernmental mechanism directly addressing the connectivity between terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine ecosystems.It aims to be a source of conceptual and practical guidance to be drawn upon by national and/or regional authorities for devising and implementing sustained action to prevent, reduce, control and/or eliminate marine degradation from land-based activities.

Amsterdam Tropenbos International

Tropenbos International (TBI) is a non -governmental non-profit organization. It was created in 1986 as a Dutch response to increasing concerns about the disappearance and degradation of tropical rain forests worldwide. Now, 25 years later, TBI is thriving.

Wageningen Thirdway Human Rights & Development

Thirdway is an international volunteer-driven organization that is committed to the universality and indivisibility of human rights and strives to satisfy those rights through active, hands-on programs. With a focus on West Africa, particularly Ghana and all across the world, we develop projects that promote self-sustainability in education, micro-credit, and human rights awareness. We employ highly interactive programs requiring strong commitment at the local level to create foundations that facilitate movement beyond dependence on foreign aid. Ultimately our goal is to increase independence from the bottom up eventually eliminating dependence on international aid organizations such as ours.

Amsterdam Stichting Natuur en Milieu

Foundation for Nature and Environment works with heart and soul to a beautiful landscape, rich nature and a healthy environment. As an independent organization, we call on governments, business and politics for sustainable solutions to natural and environmental problems. We provide solutions and close partnerships. If necessary, we action. Thus, we are hard for a healthy balance between environment and economy.  Many people care about a rich nature and a clean environment. Nature and Environment will that wish to make. Therefore we look for actions and campaigns with the publicity and let our voice heard in the media and in debates. Because the greater the support for a beautiful and healthy world, the better it works for politics and business in motion.

Utrecht Wetlands International

Wetlands International is a global organization that works to sustain and restore wetlands and their resources for people and biodiversity.  Wetlands International’s mission is “to sustain and restore wetlands, their resources and biodiversity for future generations”. We explore all kind activities to conserve wetland species with a focus on waterbirds and fish. Thousands of volunteers monitor millions of waterbirds annually. We collate and analyse this information to provide overviews of population trends and guidance for site designation to governments and wetland managers.

Wageningen De Waddenvereniging Today our mission is to preserve the characteristic values of the Wadden area for future generations. The society calls attention to cases of degradation and promotes improvements as well as new developments that contribute to the responsible management of this unique area. They try to inspire others and to develop activities that are conducive to generate an interest in and an understanding of the necessity to preserve the area. Education and communication are also important aspects of our work. The main focus of our efforts is on the Dutch part of the Wadden Sea, but we also play an active role in international consultations, both in the context of the trilateral Wadden Sea Co-operation between Denmark, Germany and The Netherlands and at the European level. Harlingen

Utrecht Center for Energy Research

The Utrecht Centre for Energy research (UCE) at Utrecht University initiates, acquires and manages national and international energy research projects. Research is in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and carbon capture and storage, and ranges from fundamental research to support for policymakers. The partners have created UCE with a small staff (3 persons), so the projects are carried out by experts from its partners, including often experts from third parties.



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